With ballots now in voters’ hands for the general election, MRG Foundation is passing along this memo written by David Atkins at the Center for Nonprofit Law in Eugene to help nonprofit organizations navigate lobbying limits.  David has advised MRG since the inception of the foundation and literally hundreds of other nonprofits working for social change.  He recently presented to the Oregon Bar on the issue of nonprofits and lobbying limits and he adapted the materials and created this memo for MRG.  You can review this memo on lobbying limits, which includes ballot measures and specifics about Oregon.

There are also very helpful resources, at Bolder Advocacy, an initiative of the Washington DC based Alliance for Justice.  Their website is geared for self-help with a resources library and an on-line “ask an advocacy coach” option where they will respond within a business day.

Whether your organization is a seasoned at lobbying, or you are just getting started navigating your organization’s use of its power with this tactic, these resources can help inform your decisions.  Election day is November 6, 2018 and ballots must be received by this day to be counted.